I've record color and depth stream time stamp, the nearest two frames have 100ms interval,that means 3 frame drops, is this normal?
使用AMD核显的一个主要问题是会卡顿,当计算 2000-by-2000 matrix相乘时候,AMD核显占用会到100%,会造成界面卡顿,让人很难受,能否把计算切换到独立显卡上吗
This is my setup:
- W10 64b Home 2004 (19041.487)
- i7-8750H
- 16GB Ram
- Intel HD 630 + 1050ti 4GB
I've downloaded two times from the website the: **Windows EXE | 2020-08-29**. Between those i…
I am trying to create a package that needs nvidia-smi during installation. Since it is part of the nvidia driver, how can I specify this dependence in spack?
### System information
-Ubuntu 14.04
- binary:
- Apollo5.0.0:
I used apollo5.0.0, a single VLP-16 lidar, and there was data in the channel when Connected, but only a white spot could be s…
请教下:RuntimeError: [enforce fail at /pytorch/third_party/gloo/gloo/transport/tcp/http://device.cc:208] ifa != nullptr. Unable to find interface for: [],这是什么问题,在运行github训练代码时:python projects/…
GPU usage is somewhat low when i use Tensor RT and vgpu.
My computer is Asus ROG Strix II GL504GS with Nvdia 1070 graphis card. Considering the slight difference between 504GW and 504GS, I wanted to intsall the macOS by using your EFI. But when I tried to i…
Dear All,
I ran into an interesting issue just now, which I thought could be worth discussing about a bit...
I had to realise that if I build the project with its CUDA backend enabled, I can **o…
Hello, I want to install LGSVL with autoware on my computer under ubuntu. But the command :
docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.0-base nvidia-smi doesn't work.
My terminal displays :
docker: E…