Evaluate the form in lisp repl
(ql:quickload 'eon)
To load "eon":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "eon"
Get the error
**Describe the bug**
There is a deviation of MartyPC from QEMU and real hardware (clone of XT) on this strange version of MS-DOS. I ran a simple game, and it does not start, only showing a blue bar o…
I think the current thing that's stopping people from using BitBot is the lack of documentation. There is currently very very little documentation and most of it is relying on the user to guess for mo…
Fresh installed the plugin, and then tried to generate something, and then it throws this Script Error about;
Exception: Failed to write Image to buffer [1280x720 format=4 -> webp@80
Лучше переименовать FastLED-master в FastLED. "-master" название бранча с кодом, которое добавляется в название архива, когда скачиваешь как zip.
**Describe the bug**
fails to launch with "o3de: symbol lookup error: /opt/O3DE/22.10.0/bin/Linux/profile/Default/libAzQtComponents.so: undefined symbol: _ZN16QStyleSheetStyle16staticMetaObjectE, ver…
**开发环境安装 - [xlings工具下载](https://github.com/d2learn/xlings)**
> 在项目根目录下运行一键环境安装配置
xlings install
- windows系统的环境安装配置过程有一些软件会弹安装提示, 默认选确定就可以了
- linux系统环境配置一些环境依赖会请求sudo权…
Hi, I'm sorry if I'm being stupid or something, but I can't seem to figure out how to make my hyprpm update so it allows me to add plugins. When I try to install a plugin, I get an error saying my hea…
Refer to #138 for background. I would like to try to build Image::Magick with Strawberry Perl. On Linux I can build the module using:
$ ./configure --with-perl=/home/hakon/perlbrew/perls/perl-…
> yello@DESKTOP-S0L3088 MINGW64 ~
$ sl
bash: sl: command not found
>yello@DESKTOP-S0L3088 MINGW64 ~
$ fuck
ls [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c]
I have set all settings i need, but i don't know how it go to n…