Trying to interact with the web3j object results in this error for me:
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.bouncycastle.jcajce.p…
# _Bug_title_
Invalid point
## Steps To Reproduce
when i import mnemonic words
## Environment
- `Web3j version`: org.web3j:core:4.2.0-android
- `Java or Android version`: java11--andr…
The following dependencies / versions have open CVEs against them:
- com.squareup.okhttp3 : logging-interceptor @ 3.8.1
http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2018-20200 (disputed, …
I was connected to the ETH1 node via an SSH tunnel. The SSH connection droped and I had to recreate it. Teku restored the connection to the eth1 node but didn’t recreate the filter it was using to t…
chain3j是2018年6月基于web3j替换rpc方法名版本,没有用fork方式,版本太老,两年内web3j更新了很多方法,导致现在ETH、MOAC链上的DAPP rpc部分需要写两套,为了能让ETH DAPP无缝迁移到Moac主链,建议升级chain3j版本库。
- 1. fork 最新版本web3j,不修改Java方法名,只修改rpc方法名…
[group:1]> deploy HelloWorld
contract address: 0x4375eddc0500ef67d242843c2f10744135fa6297
[group:1]> call HelloWorld 0x4375eddc0500ef67d242843c2f10744135fa6297 s…
Which version of web3j cli is compatible with web3j 4.2.0 android version? Because when I am executing the solidity generation command the output generated has many errors.
Please help
If I look at the releases I see version 1.6, the web3j-gradle-plugin (4.5.11) uses version 1.7, the readme refers to version 0.2.0 and looking on the repo I see a version 0.2.3.
Whit an Infura WS node, a call to web3j method ethGasPrice() leads to the error
`org.web3j.protocol.exceptions.ClientConnectionException: Invalid response received: 404; 404 page not found`
Flaky test mustReturn0xUsingInvalidContractAddress - org.hyperledger.besu.tests.web3j.privacy.PrivCallAcceptanceTest
Probability: Occasional
Severity: Marginal