I've been trying to implement a d3fc chart in a Angular app using Angular components. I've used the test implementation of simple-chart to see if my implementation works, however I keep running into t…
In scene I have more than 4 spot light but when I press play only 4 of them are visible, others not. After switching off one of the lights, the next ones are switched on during…
Issue Type: Bug
In Matplotlib it is possible to create custom plot styles. However, style files that work fine in jupyterlab (2.2.6) throw the following error
```ValueError: Failed to parse /usr…
Issue Type: Bug
When i run python code in vscode, it can not show plot, Here is my code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a=[i for i in range(10)]
it ca…
Test the performance of the streaming to the plots with WebGL with a significant amount of data.
When I run the checks on my computer, several examples are "too slow" (take >5 seconds). Is it just me?
✓ checking examples (5m 39.4s)
Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s
I've been working on setting up a stand-alone instance on shiny-server, and kept getting a "something went wrong" error where the shiny app wouldn't load. Looking at the logs (attached), it boils dow…
Is there a way to render charts incrementally, at an arbitrary rate?
Here is an example that illustrates the Progressive Rendering in action: [http://bl.ocks.org/syntagmatic/2420080](http://bl.ocks.o…
/kind bug
**What steps did you take and what happened:**
I can successfully execute the random-experiment but graph is not shown (empty).
But I can see result of execution in text
Question about the Meaurement Tools in the Discrete screen ...
* Where should the tools be positoned initially? Java initial positions are shown in screenshot below. For domain=time, the Period t…