Your repo is excellent, thanks for sharing all this. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a docker image for the Microsoft Azure storage emulators. This will be a bless for developers wri…
To allow customers to enable/disable specific functionality, such as Windows Integrated Auth (WIA), we would like ADAL to allow the clients using the library to be allowed to specify a custom UserAgen…
At WIAS we have just invented the notion of a "Model Pathways Diagram" (MPD), which is essentially a special view on the model theory graph. Currently http://gl.kwarc.info/mkohlhase/mathmodels/doc/cic…
Hi. I tryed to compile wia stock hammer editor tools and it's going really slow. In CompilePal it take forever to count how many treads my PC has. After that it's not going anywhere. Anyway i'm not su…
Welcome !Logfile of HiJackThis Fork (Alpha) by Alex Dragokas v.
Platform: x64 Windows 10 (Pro), 10.0.16299.64 (ReleaseId: 1709), Service Pack: 0
Time: 13.12.2017 - 07:01, Uptime: 21:…
MPU9250 I AM 71 I should be 71
MPU9250 is online...
x-axis self test: acceleration trim within : -0.4% of factory value
y-axis self test: acceleration trim within : -0.2% of factory value
z-axis sel…
ghost updated
7 years ago
I've been messing around with I-Simpa again, but, this time, I'm getting odd results when adding absorption to a surface, basically what I've done is to add absorption to the ceiling of a room, and th…
I have Nas Synogy DS713+ DSM 4.3-3810 and using Transmission (get from http://packages.synocommunity.com) 2.82-5.
My problem that transmission can't connect wia http ipv6 tracker address.
Hi Saraff
I use you example program 1 and after I pressed the scan button. The scanner scan completed but the application still show "Calibrating..." and LED on scanner blinking (Microtek ScanMaker 9…
From personal email:
> I would like to know how I can add hole and region information in the input for TetGen? I have seen the signature for function igl::tetrahedralize function but cannot find prov…