It would be handy to be able to install Komorebi through AppCenter (and receive updates)
- ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in MobileNPC.iOS: applicationWillTerminate, newSocketQueueForConnectionFromAddress:onSocket:, setOrientation:animated:, soc…
Sorry for the incredibly long review @tkashkin! That's not typical at all, but your unique app put us in a bit of a bind. After using it for a few weeks and discussing it at length with our team of re…
I love elementary OS, but it still needs a lot of optimization.
I restarted my laptop at 12:30. I haven't clicked anything for 10 minutes. Then I ran the Optimizer app to check memory usage and Lib…
Another really useful tool in Xamarin.UI test was the ability to use REPL to inspect the UI.
It wo…
Previously AppCenter (eOS 5.1 Hera on ubuntu 18.04) alerted me several times a week for updates on my currently installed software. Since quite some time I neither get any alerts nor does the "Install…
It's necessary to think of a smarter way to group packages in AppCenter.
It's currently as follows:
If you do not want to perform the LibreOffice update, for example.
![captura de tela de 201…
When generating the most basic React Native app possible (`npx react-native init AwesomeProject`) we get this error when building it for Android on AppCenter:
##[section]Starting: Gradle Task
On some systems it might not be possible or feasible to have the CLI application installed globally and instead have it installed locally as part of other `npm` modules. In such situations when the CL…
Thanks for submitting your 0.2.1-beta6 update to AppCenter! However, while reviewing the submission, we found an issue that needs to be resolved.
Updates must include accurate [release descriptions…