**Describe the bug**
The GeoCode API from Google is no longer available without a payed API key subscription. So the geocoding feature in Google Maps backend fields is no longer usable. But there is …
Promise.all error:TypeError: L.esri.Vector.vectorBasemapLayer is not a function with LWC
my code shown below
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getRecord…
Potentially replace static chart images with D3.js?
Pages/charts to do:
- [x] # of datasets by org
- [x] # of data files by org
- [x] ~~[Scorecard](https://opendata.scot/analytics/scorecard/)~…
Problem with Wildrydes App
Hi, not even sure I'm asking this in the right spot, but I've been using the Wildrydes app to teach an intro to cloud class. Not sure when, but it looks like the map back…
- [X] My question is related to the samples and content within this repository. For all other issues, open a ticket with [Esri Technical Support](https://support.esri.com/) or post your…
jest does not seem to be happy with the arcgis wrapper. It appears that it might need to ship with a babel config?
● Test suite failed to run
Jest encountered an unexpected token
由于业务开发需要,我司需要在uni-app中使用arcgis for js api进行开发。但是由于arcgis需要使用标签的id去获取dom来实现地图的挂载
When building using webpack, the default behavior is to retain comments marked with `@license`.
However, since we have this in every single file, this results in the Esri license header being kept…
#### Target Use case
A 'Cut Away'. effect for landscapes is a popular way to work with terrain data. Whilst we can do some of this effect by setting bounds, some additional paramters that could be …
Getting the following error. The project I'm working with includes the @arcgis/webpack-plugin (which includes the dojo webpack plugin as well). If I comment out the @arcgis/webpack-plugin, I don't r…