I feel like it's unnecessarily hard right now to add a bike repair shop that only repairs bikes, and doesn't sell any. You have to know that you open up the tags manager and add service:bicycle:retail…
I am trying to mix plural and properties other than `textContent`, such as `innerHTML`.
My properties file contains:
available_bikes.innerHTML = {[ plural(n) ]}
Phyks updated
8 years ago
A suggestion was to have a docker / kube environment version of the game with two versions of liberty-bikes. Show version A of the game, then have another version B with some easily distinguishable c…
Depends on #2
A pilot of e-bikes has been launched: https://bikesharetoronto.com/e-bikes/
The app shows e-bikes as a special visual element on the map. I would be great if there was a way to qu…
having a data table for bikes is terrible, as the user won't be able to see what the bikes looks like. It only makes sense for an easy overview of the bikes if you intend to administer the bikes and n…
DAY - with summaries
- org_code
- site_code
- date
- load_time: timestamp of when bike data for this record was loaded or updated
- parked_bikes
- parked_regular
- parked_oversize
- remai…
tevpg updated
8 months ago
Right now, bikes act just like cars in the simulation -- they queue behind each other, and vehicles queue behind them. There is [practically no lane-changing](https://a-b-street.github.io/docs/tech/tr…
## Value Proposition
**As a** User,
**I want to** see the button "Book",
**so that** I can book the bikes.
## Description
The button "Book" is displayed as disable while there is no bikes or no da…
Some issues that need solutions:
- we have lost expensive e-bike batteries in the past because of neglecting to periodically charge them and no one is responsible for checking on these batteries