hi there. thanks for getting me up and running with stitching images with a convenient CLI.
I tried to use the `zoom` command and found it to be not implemented.
Is there support for this feature (c…
| Strain | Test type | Compounds tested |
| - | - | - |
| 2018 mm55 | MXT | MYOS432, 420, 423, 535, 539, 615-619, 726-731, 733 |
# Analysis of PyFAI geometry optimization
## Context
Following the geometry calibration on experiment mfxx49820 run 8 (see #197), we would like to translate the custom-made geometry optimization…
## Description
This describes some number of functions that should be added to the calibration module, targeted for use at XPD. There are two key cases: images with a full picture of the rings and pa…
_Issue [HLA-1244](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/HLA-1244) was created on JIRA by [Rick White](https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=rlw):_
The segment catalog source positions are sys…
**Submitting author:** @davidwoodburn (David Woodburn)
**Repository:** https://gitlab.com/davidwoodburn/itrm
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): main
**Version:** 1.2.1
**Editor:** @ms…
**Submitting author:** @SnirMeiri (Snir Meiri)
**Repository:** https://github.com/SnirMeiri/LCOI_local_crystalline_orientation_identifier
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch):
A bug occurred when simulating the diffraction of a single crystal Si in McXtrace3.2. The code is as follows:
DEFINE INSTRUMENT SimpleInstrument(E0=8.02)
COMPONENT Origin = Progress_bar…
I'm using the invert geometry capability in pyfai to move integrated patterns back into detector coordinates . That requires radial units. The inbuilt 2theta to r_m, unit conversion are not ph…
Dear @izabala123 ,
I have two questions about the added mass and radiation damping coefficients in BEMRosetta
1. When I was using BEMRosetta to read the results from AQWA, I found two curves in …