Find this while implementing https://github.com/SciML/BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl/pull/258
This MWE is just proof of the idea and may not be meaningful, but I think it can still prove that the current D…
Dear ITensors developers, I hope you are doing well!
I ran into an issue with one of the examples `trotter_suzuki_decomposition.py`.
$ julia trotter_suzuki_decomposition.jl
ERROR: LoadErr…
# load data
using GeoDataFrames
using Shapefile
path2shp = splitpath(pathof(Shapefile))
path2shp = joinpath(vcat(path2shp[1:end-2], ["test", "shapelib_testcases", "test.shp"]))
gdf = Geo…
It would be great if a DataFrame and it's metadata could be saved to a single file. I believe that [arrow supports this](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/dataframes-which-formats-if-any-support-savin…
**Describe the bug 🐞**
In previous versions of DataInterpolations (at least v6.0), I could do a LinearInterpolation where one node was at -Inf, and as long as I asked for the value at the other nod…
Describe the bug
While trying to test if this package is compatible with https://github.com/JuliaIO/ZipArchives.jl I occasionally got segmentation faults. I created a MWE below where I …
**Describe the problem**
After https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/StateSpaceSets.jl/pull/32/files was merged, `hcat` is incredibly slow when horizontally concatenating. This is true for both `Vector…
I don't expect tables with 5 columns to be "too wide". Should I?
using OpenML, Tables
# [8b6db2d4] OpenML v0.3.2
# [b…
As several layers support complex types (e.g., Dense, Conv, Bilinear), I expected the same from MeanPool and AdaptiveMeanPool. Example below for MeanPool (copied and pasted from jupyterlab). I've e…
The following minimal code fails in Visual Studio Code (see below). The same (or the real version of the code) runs perfectly well from a regular Windows CMD window. It fails when executing DBInterfac…