Ill try to make a bridge for RTU to TCP but when i use the modbus poll, to check the Modbus TCP, i cant connect with modbus TCP, only with UDP. And i really lost in the port selection, because…
My sketch below is based on the Kitchen Sink example.
If I run the code with `delay(5)` at the beginning and at the end of the loop, everything is working fine, without I am running into timeout is…
I experience some issues with the Modbus component. I noticed when the socket error 10054 append (The connection is reset by the peer application) during ReadInputRegisters, ReadCoil, etc... th…
Hello, I have encountered a problem related to a modbus data conversion error.
At first I used:
- pymodbus==2.5.3;
- pyscada==0.8.0;
- pyscada-modbus==0.8.0.
I have a modbus TCP server in whi…
Did we decide that we ought to wait 1s between requests? (…
Add support for Linux GPIO. This would look similar to Modbus IOs where we can add a Linux GPIO in the UI, and then read/write. Some info on the existing modbus stuff:
- https://docs.simpleiot.org/…
### The problem
The Home Assistant Nibe integration doesn't provide data anymore after some time with errors in the HA-logs. It happens after quite a while, one or two weeks i would say. I need to re…
I tried an application that uses a Modbus client using Port = 503. Reading and writing data using the Modbus master example and a couple of other Modbus master simulators from the WEB, the results wer…
ich wollte heute meinen Victron Stromzähler zur OpenWB Software hinzufügen, bekomme aber nur die Fehlermeldung:
('Failed to connect[ModbusTcpClient(]', 'Modbus-Clie…
Hi there,
SE6K here. Today I added this integration to my HA installation. I enabled the TCP port for ethernet in settings as described. When I check the inverter connectivity with a TCP port scanner…