Thanks for sharing the code for your great work.
I've observed that you have provided the pre-processed dataset about Tiktok, which seems different with the one used in DualGNN.
Recall@20, MMSSL: …
Here we can add the papers we find
It's exciting to see how lablab.ai is organizing the AudioCraft 24-hours Hackathon, diving into the realm of audi…
Taking the average of ranks is advised against for biomedical image analysis competitions (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07619-7). From the paper:
> According to bootstrapping experiments (Figs.…
Hi all, here are the assigned pages of the technical paper that each of us needs to cover. Further readings can be done (look at the Appendix part) to help better our understanding of the topic.
### Week 1 - Get to know the community
- [x] Join the communication channels
- [x] Open a GitHub issue (this one!)
- [x] Install the Ersilia Model Hub and test the simplest model
- [x] Write a motiva…
hi,大家好,非常高兴的告诉大家,百度飞桨论文复现赛第六期已经开始了,本次**论文复现赛**共将有100+篇的经典&前沿论文供大家复现,以及新增了**飞桨特色模型挑战赛**,详细信息可以参考[AI Studio](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/competition/detail/205/0/introduction),大家是否已经迫不及待了呢~
Suppose I work on a problem of link prediction where each entity may have some external source of embedding (a vector of a certain dimension, like a chemical fingerprint). I would like to add this ext…
+ [TKDD'2020] Core Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction
+ [CIKM2020] Deep Multi-Interest Network for Click-through Rate Prediction
+ [CIKM'21] Efficient Learning to Learn a Robust CTR …
This issue helps tracks the big picture progress of the description design, description implementation, and implementation of alternative input. Sound and adaptive features are incorporated only at a …