I just installed the plugin and the popup disappears really fast, I tried setting both `set timeoutlen=5000` and `set notimeout` and then reloading my `ideavimrc` but neither changed the time …
I'm trying to use packer-builder-xenserver with XCP-ng 7.6 and 8.0, using the provided ubuntu 20.04 example (had to update the json file to use Ubuntu 20.04.2 instead of 20.04.1).
Unfortunately, t…
Config files for tiny simulated data, see details at [riboviz#253](https://github.com/riboviz/riboviz/issues/253).
Currently being discussed on xsce-devel mailing list...
Unlike in 2016, 32 simultaneous WiFi connections to RPi 3 (running the latest Raspbian Lite from 2018-04-18) no longer seem possible :/
holta updated
3 years ago
I have 3 external monitors connected to my lenovo docking station, 2 ASUS and 1 Dell. the Dell and 1 ASUS are connected by HDMI in the rear, and 1 ASUS connected by thunderbolt usb in the front. Curio…
User data of a new user is not saved by sugar on a forced shutdown (possibly, power button) and it can have potential data loss in other components too
* Start a sugar debian L…
@quozl, @Hrishi1999
Running htseq-count, but won't process bam file.
argument: htseq-count -f bam -r pos ./paired_end_sorted.bam ./annotations.gff
samtools view -c indicates over 8 million reads in bam file.
I'm having trouble understanding how to accurately define the necessary metrics for integration/differentiation for my grid. This is related to #291, and the fact that all the examples in that page as…
Detailed view of an activity can show a Flatpak section. This is harmful for systems that do not have a Flatpak capability. Either verify with Browse that the capability exists, or disable.
quozl updated
4 years ago