I was looking at the new section for Parts to the MNX-Common by Example page and it raised the question of how to group parts (the MusicXML part-group elements). I've been looking in the specification…
Hi there,
I seem to be getting invalid ALTO XML files.
I am using a [forked version](https://github.com/e-tornike/pdfalto), which has a couple of changed flags in `install_deps.sh`, and installi…
Dobrý deň,
začal som implementovať spracovanie textov nástrojom UDPipe a narazil som na chovanie, ktorému trochu nerozumiem. Zakladám preto toto issue pre vyjasnovanie potrebných vecí počas implem…
I have been trying to index multiple files per Solr document (n:1) following the [docs](https://dbmdz.github.io/solr-ocrhighlighting/indexing/#multiple-files-per-solr-document-n1) and got this e…
Dobry den,
narazili jsme na problem pri validaci souboru ALTO.
U nekterych souboru knihy vyskocila ve validatoru tato hlaska:
obsah souboru D:\digi_linka\Uloziste\ope301-0002k5\alto\alto_ope301-0…
The schema does not include the latest evolution of SegmOnto. Cf. https://github.com/SegmOnto/Guidelines
Do you want me to propose a correction and make PR?
I used this submission script:
#!/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --partition=shared-gpu
#SBATCH --time=03:00:00
#SBATCH --gpus=1
#SBATCH --output=kraken-%j.out
#SBATCH --mem=0
module load…
I have the following unifying receiver device:
Guid: 77d843f7-682c-57e8-8e29-584f5b4f52a1
Guid: cc4cbfa9-bf9d-540b-b92b-172ce31013c1
DeviceID: …
Dobry den,
narazili jsme na tento problem. Minuly tyden nam validaci prochazely balicky periodika. Nyni nam validator u dalsich balicku tehoz periodika zacal hlasit stejnou chybu v bibliografick…
je souhaiterais intégrer une nouvelle description d'un jeu de données. Ci-dessous le .yml produit à partir du formulaire.
schema: "https://htr-united.github.io/schema/2021-10-15/…