It would be cool to be able to save a "good" robojam reply, or have robojam make such replies automatically every now and then.
-- Does robojam have a user name? A CloudKit user? can I just make on…
Hi again,
I encountered problem: My Core Data model contains a bunch of field of type (optional) URI which translate to `NSManaged public var foo: URL?`. Looking into the CloudKit dashboard after t…
Asset Dictionary has a fileChecksum field but Apple doesn't document what algorithm is used. Figure this out so that that file integrity can be verified.
It appears that if an image is loaded by the app, and then the image URL is changed in CloudKit, the new image is not reloaded by the App. Maybe only sometimes.
How to update an entry?
Are many-to-many relationships on Core Data still unsupported? 🤔
I want to sync all my contacts (~900 contacts) from address book to cloudkit. I have a separate connection for synchronization between address book and my database where enumeration of contacts is per…
It would be nice if users could opt-in to storing their gamebook libraries securely in iCloud somehow. Maybe I can build something really simple like a mass export to a folder in iCloud. Or go all out…
[About CloudKit and Quality of Service](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Performance/Conceptual/EnergyGuide-iOS/PrioritizeWorkWithQoS.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015243-CH39-…