- When I run the command 'JsonToDart: Convert Json from Clipboard' from the palette, nothing happens.
- When I run the command 'JsonToDart: Convert Json from Clipboard Here (clipboard to file or fo…
# Vscode 自定义美化(亮色) - 曹阿宇-个人博客
字体渲染 vscdoe 在 Windows 上的字体渲染一直是我想要吐槽的点,使用习惯了 ide,后在看 vscode 的字体感觉发虚,再后来直接比不上 sublime 的字体渲染了。 关闭 GPU加速可以
Issue Type: Bug
The majority of the time that I switch between my MacBook Pro and my Mac mini, the dark-mode detection is "wrong". As in, the switch is still enabled, but it hasn't actually worke…
There is only three classes of color themes, dark, light and high contrast. It would be great to have an option to create a custom class such as "Favorites" with ones we choose, showing on t…
The emacs text highlighting makes certain words bright yellow (ie, the
first word in dotemacs), which is nearly impossible to read on the default
white background.
Original issue reported on…
Hi dear! 🙂
Thank you for what you're doing! I liked only two themes from your collection, others no need, the question is how to delete them?
- Dobri Next -A07- Oxford
- Dobri Next -A10- Adapt…
- SQLFluff version: 2.2.1 (Installed in virtual env at `/workspace/project/dbt/env/bin/sqlfluff`)
- SQLFluff plugin version: 2.3.1
**User Preferences (JSON):**
Discovered an issue with the dark solarized theme. Most of the keywords seem to be black, which really are hard to see with a dark theme. https://imgur.com/tus3o60
New feature.
- It may be useful to have a specific theme set for a workspace. (light, dark, fonts, colors, etc)
- User opens VS Code A with theme X
- User executes a command to…
enabled: isEnableSlidable,
closeOnScroll: isCloseSlid,
key: const ValueKey(0),
endActionPane: ActionPane(
dragDismissible: isCloseSli…