_migrated from:_ https://code.google.com/p/ala/issues/detail?id=758
_date:_ Tue Jul 22 23:57:36 2014
_author:_ leebel...@gmail.com
I recently ran across three very good species profiling sites f…
Scrape Instagram for images of plants on the following lists:
* [Native Plants](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lIs8638gBxmWgDSTc84gnGSSHgMsyYXs/view)
* [Invasive Plants](http://www.oahuisc.org/targe…
Linked from [old issue](https://github.com/Sz-Tim/gb_ca/issues/8).
Distances have been translated to our pixel size of ~285m x 285m from Merow et al 2011 and LaFleur 2009, as have the habitat pref…
**Text change (headers) in invasive table**
Request from the Invasive Alien Species informal working meeting: change the table and column headers from "Invasive in (..)" to "Recorded as invasive in…
See: https://github.com/PSU-OIT-ARC/oregoninvasiveshotline/blob/master/oregoninvasiveshotline/reports/forms.py#L315
If an invasive plant species is outside the riparian veg buffer, but there are no UTM coordinates recorded for it, then the database will not let me proceed.
Originally reported by: **Anonymous**
create table languages (
id serial not null,
falling-fruit/app/models/location.rb:43: if Invasive.where("ARRAY[?] @> ARRAY[invasives.type_id] AND ST_INTERSECTS(?,invasives.regions)",record.type_ids,record.location).count > 0
Un bogue de suivi pour les infos techniques sur les solutions que nous auront validées pour les transformer en texte de mentions légales/données personnelles/cookies/CNIL où nous indiquerons ce que no…
**Issue by [NCPN](https://github.com/NCPN)**
_Thursday Jul 27, 2017 at 21:19 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/NCPN/invasives/issues/12_
Microhabitat surface cover data are not get…