need more info how to integrate the kanban
more docs around kanban too
We are a team of 3 and here is the link to our Kanban board [Click here](https://github.com/Muhammad0602/recipe-app/projects/1)
## This Milestone involves the creation of the KANBAN for the Recipify [project](https://github.com/users/gdumani/projects/2)
Team members @gdumani and @jicamargo
Thanks for the previous feedback! We had a misunderstanding, and reassigned tasks as requested!
Hi there,
we are sending our Kanban with the task distribution applied. We are a team of two members…
Link to the project: https://github.com/dieum512/RoR-group-capstone/projects/1
We are two people in the team
We are two members of this group project.
- here is the link for Kanban board
1. Project link : [here](https://github.com/adeola003/my_things_ruby_capstone/projects?type=classic).
2. Number of people in the group: Three (03).
3. Assignees:
- Team member 1: @adeola003 ;
we are 2 coding partner in our team
- The kanban board link [kanban board](https://github.com/users/Benawi/projects/9/views/1?layout=board)
### Implementing Kanban Board to Workflow
I have found Kanban boards to be really helpful in seeing what is _done_ vs what still needs to be done, @yoel123 @rc14193 if you all are cool with it, I w…