**Describe the bug**
home.mycroft.ai account / skill setting for "Latest News" station Fox News or Georgia Public is NOT getting to my Mycroft M2
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior…
I'm diving a little deeper into mycroft and am a little puzzled: if I set a reminder for e.g. tomorrow at 9 am, I expect mycroft to remind me. Then, and if I don't acknowledge it, in (e.g. increa…
Leaving the interface stuck on monitor mode when exiting. Leaving the temp file out there. There should be some way to cleanup on exit.
What is the inference time of Tacotron model used in mimic2 in low footprint devices such as rasperry pi for say 10sec of audio? Looks like there is another TTS TTS_cube which seems much simpler
Currently no error handling. Unlikely but does happen. Could be DDG service down, or a local network error, etc.
One of the most common complaints about mimic is the long compile times it requires. The main cause for that is that the mycroft voice is compiled embedded in the mimic binary, instead of being…
Hi @forslund , wanted to report this issue "as is" in the current state (looking for guidance on debug/isolation - can provide quick turnaround)
So my last "working state" was roughly the situation…
I can't get Zork to work for my Mycroft on my Ubuntu. Using the mycroft cli I can see that the error message is `No such file or directory:
'opt/mycroft/skills/game-zork.forslund/frotz/dfrotz'`. Wh…
Post-install FYI #1 - day off
MarkII-dev-kit v6
Mar 7 approx 2300 UTC loaded "stable software", paired via ethernet cable
my 'device' (on mycroft.ai) was updated to "Latest"
AS OF Mar 8 0230…
I'm trying to use intents mentioned [here](https://github.com/MycroftAI/skill-homeassistant/blob/20.08/vocab/en-us/increase.light.brightness.intent), but MyCroft ( Jarvis ) is not understanding.