### Title
ME-mppca: Building a tensor-based thermal denoising method
### Leaders
Marco Antonio Flores-Coronado @MarcoFloresCoro
### Collaborators
SPiN lab (BCBL)
### Brainhack Global 2024 Even…
Happened for every subject. Here's an example err log:
> (main) login4.frontera(1066)$ cat /scratch1/03201/jbwexler/openneuro_derivatives/derivatives/mriqc/ds000164-mriqc/.reproman/jobs/local/20220…
This discussion follows on from https://github.com/nipy/nipype/issues/3245#issuecomment-698512224.
Thanks for the explanation @djarecka. I get the benefits of caching now.
Looking at the [ge…
nipype noob here thank you for developing this software packages its very help but I am running to into simply problem by reading in a source_dir PAT001 containing 201 dcm files convert into nii file …
@alexis-roche - since you are the primary maintainer, would you mind adding pypi deployment similar to the one below with nipype?
that way you can push a rel…
satra updated
6 years ago
Several of the commands and scripts inside RABIES use ITK tools, which honour ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS.
Should figure out how to make nipype export this variable during job running so t…
When the `test_b0dwi_for_fmap` test in `heudiconv/tests/test_convert.py` is run, pydicom emits two UserWarnings with the message "The value length (22) exceeds the maximum length of 16 allowed for VR …
Dear all,
Thank you for this great package.
When I run the `niftymic_reconstruct_volume`, the program is always “Killed”.
I have set the memory to the maximum memory(16G + 4G swap), but still no…
Trying to upsample an fmriprep'ed preproc_bold file before using glmsingle, but I get the following " requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions". These have have alread…
(base) D:\newwork\tkuanlun350\3DUnet-Tensorflow-Brats18-master>python preprocess.py
Processing HGG ...
0%| …