govalidator (https://github.com/asaskevich/govalidator) v10 changed the way emails are validated.
Previously in `v9` (the version which `ozzo-validation` currently uses) there was a single `IsEmail…
mgnsk updated
4 years ago
For eg.
validation.Validate(data, validation.Min(10)) (data here is an integer in my case) doesn't validate zero integer. Is there a way in which I can validate zero integer? So that it results "mu…
### Kind of issue
> Bug
We're upgrading from heketi v5 to heketi v9.0.0
### Observed behavior
Replicated volume - replica_count=2:
We're trying to do a recovery of a node. The node has…
**Is your feature request related to a problem?**
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Fiber has `BodyParser` function to parse request into the given interface. We can check that the interfac…
## I'm submitting a ...
- [x] bug report
- [ ] new feature / enhancement request
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## Traffic Control …
tkald updated
4 years ago
Hi, could you pls review [my changes](https://github.com/dhax/go-base/compare/master...karfianto:add_new_api_with_insert)
When inserting without specifying id (auto increment, primary key) it retu…
Continuing the topic here.
> Because we are using [CQRS](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html) patter, the way I think validation should be done is for value objects to validate incoming data.…
I have a oneOff field, and I want to validate that the value is present?