In Python RQ there is this `job.meta` dictionary that can be used to set some custom task progress indication which is useful for showing in the UI, does ARQ have this?
只使用了redis做queue, 非常简便易用, 我已经全线迁移到这个了
然后python3的arq也非常好用, 异步的, 减少上下文切换, 提升性能
The current version used by Jena ARQ is 0.10.0 which has a medium severity CVE-2018-11798.
Although likely does not pose a threat to the current usage of libthrift within the SPDX tools, it should …
A facility for reading any RDF format is needed, like RDFDataMgr in Jena :
Alternatively, some way to create an …
Some existing test suites use container names that can't be manifest in certain environments (e.g. upper case letters in k8s). Allowing users to manually specify the mapping between container name (a…
Currently, LIMIT and OFFSET are evaluated by ARQ code. Pushing them down into SQL is not always easy, depending on the query, but quite feasible in many cases.
This would be great for implementing pa…
cygri updated
12 years ago
[`v0.26.0b1`](https://pypi.org/project/arq/0.26.0b1/) is released. Please try it!
I'll release **v0.26** at the end of the week unless we find any significant bugs.
Migrated from [VIVO-669](https://vivo-project.atlassian.net/browse/VIVO-669)
I am unable to find documentation in what needs to be set in the config.json file to enable auto switching RX/Monero, RX/LOKI, RX/WOW, DEFYX, RX/ARQ.
Also how do I do benchmarks to be sure that th…
> consecutive SPARQL 1.1 CONSTRUCT queries, where PREFIX and BASE apply to any subsequent query
PREFIXes are carried over, but BASE is not (or at least is not resol…