* Conversion CityGML to OBJ/chunks
* Fix the resulting py3dtiles
* Use the Nasa plugin to read those files within Unity
Until things are mature, clone to a private VCityTeam repository the [Na…
When converting a 3D City Database with EPSG:31256 to 3D tiles for cesium with EPSG:497 the postion on the globe is incorrect. Also the normals (not sure about that) and the positions are flipped.
How can I download and use these scripts with my own dataset? Because I receive an error when I run "npm install citygml-to-obj" in my command prompt. My operating system is windows 10
The property `connectedCityObject` of the class `AbstractNetworkFeature` has a type of `gml:ReferenceType`
in the class xmlProcessor the
Paul Birkel has written up the TB17 recommendations regarding the CityGML 3.0 CM and its associated draft XML Schema encoding. they are located in the "documents" folder [here](https://github.com/ope…
I convert UML file into OWL, and in the config define explicitly target namespaces ended with slash, e.g.
in the resulting ttl files I find that namespace ended with hash:
This concept is well defined by HydroDWG and GeoScienceDWG. I would recommend in this CityGML Conceptual model to reuse the definition provided by WaterML2 Part 3 : Hy_Features : https://docs.opengeos…
A question more than an "issue", at least at this stage. It has arisen as I try to relate Apple's IMDF to CityGML.
As "a horizontal section of a building", I was expecting a Storey feature to be a …
We need to include 3D on the roadmap.
Suggestion to first start by testing basic Styling & Symbology with 3D content, then look into extensions for symbolizing capabilities specific to 3D.