Our Mean square value is 0.004099985307764925
The visualization graph is the backend channel (First model jupyter notebook)
Does anyone know what AFNI BIDS derivatives look like?
tsalo updated
3 months ago
My question is similar to #545. Preprocessing procedure described in [docs](https://autogluon.mxnet.io/tutorials/tabular_prediction/tabular-quickstart.html#description-of-fit) and [paper Chapter 2.2](…
Enumerated below are various critiques to incorporate into the main manuscript:
1. I would encourage you to consider the potential for selection effects. That is, the type of power-sharing arrangem…
cloned from stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35944841/is-this-the-expected-behavior-of-patsy-when-building-a-design-matrix-of-a-two-le
(patsy v0.4.1, python 3.5.0)
I would like to u…
Possible solution: https://github.com/CamDavidsonPilon/lifelines/issues/997#issuecomment-652567848
The number of independent variables for the `bspline` method of the `GEKKO` class is only two, while for the `cspline` method it is only one. I am making a feature request of increasing the number of …
[kylerove](https://github.com/kylerove) has provided a example transform for Matched Cohort studies that follows the template layout of the Hmisc statistics (#48). It copies a lot of boiler plate cod…
A small question / remark which may be useful for 1.16 users.
The data are not normalized anymore in the Kriging algorithm and users must do it on their own. How can we place this information ? …
(a mixed bag of issues, without overview or references for actual algorithms)
triggered by looking at some literature for robust transformation (box-cox issue and PR)