ubgpu@ubgpu:~/PycharmProjects/deepID/DeepID_FaceClassify/src/conv_net$ python deepid_class.py ../../../../../big_data/youtube_face/YouTubeFaces/test_vector_folder ../../../../../big_data/youtube_face/…
Just start to use the caffe and read all the documentation I can find(maybe missing some). Can any help tell me about where I can find the details about the prototxt file, like what does "lr_mult …
The Siamese network example doesn't work because the `ExactNumBotomBlobs()` for the ContrastiveLossLayer in loss_layers.hpp returns 4 instead of 3. Not sure why this has been changed since it is corre…
d4nst updated
9 years ago
Dear SIr:
I draw lessons from the model proposed by the DeepID. As the result, the framework could be concluded as follows:
input layer:50 3 118 82
conv1: 50 20 115 79
relu1: 50 20 115 79
pool1: 5…
_From [andreas....@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/104176248769201814032/) on August 20, 2010 17:44:52_
What's the problem? Cut-and-pasted program examples are preferred over attachments (if rea…