i have a question about HGPIFuNetwNML.py code,why the def get_error has a parameter named gamma,the have bug when i run the code,because the loss only need pred and label that two input,and the loss f…
I want .obj file from a image (like PIFu or PIFuHD demos).
If you don't mind, give me sample code or tell me how should I do.
Thank you.
Hi Shunsuke,
Thanks for answering my questions previously.
I am wondering, what is the technical reason all PIFu/pifuhd models use weak-perspective projection? Does it make the model work better d…
I want to visualize the 3D mesh into video. I am getting this by running visualization command line
> File "C:\Users\hamid.farhidzadeh\Anaconda3\envs\pytorch\lib\runpy.py", line 194, in _run_modul…
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 from lib.colab_util import generate_video_from_obj, set_renderer, video
3 renderer = set_r…
ghost updated
4 years ago
Hi @shunsukesaito
I could run the code on colab on my test data and worked fine. I am trying to run it on gpu machine getting this following error.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
File …
why pifuhd dont need mask but pifu highly dependent on mask ?
PIFuHD's output seems to always be incredibly pixelated:
Is this caused by the marching…
./sample_images\127503458.jpg ./sample_images\127503458_mask.png
error: (2, 'No such file or directory')
somehow it doesnt process my image corrctly , can i create the mask by some code or can i…