This is impressive work!!! I want to run an example for semi-superior segmentation, however I can't find any preprocessed data in this repository. How can I process my own data for this work?
I am on Horos 1.1.7 and I am having trouble opening reports in Pages 5.6.
I can trigger and open templates saved in Pages '09, however if I do so, I then have to upgrade the newly generated file to th…
# Prerequisites
- [x] I have searched [open](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues) and [closed](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) issues …
This happens in multiple parts of the workflow but for example when clicking on a patient's Appointment to check them in as a Radiologist I'll get a `useStreamQueries: WebSocket connection failed.` er…
### What feature or change would you like to see made?
To have a report toggle button on the right upper corner, to make it possible for radiologists to write a report.
### Why should we prioritiz…
### What feature or change would you like to see made?
During user testing with radiologists, we discovered that two pop-ups are not needed.
1. When loading a segmentation, the users see a pop-up…
Just hoping for some insight as to why pixel values were clipped from -79 to 304 in the KiTS19 example. Does this relate to the window/level operation on images? I.e. if I am using images wi…
### 业界频传放射科医生会被取代
- 李开复,Geoffrey Hinton说五年内放射科医生会被取代,找截图
- 。2017年,Arterys公司的影像平台Cardio AI成为FDA批准的首例人工智能辅助诊断工具,用于帮助医生分析心脏核磁共振图像,可自动化描绘图像中的心室轮廓线,并计算心室功能相关参数;随后其Lung AI和Liver AI也陆续获得FDA的批准,用于辅助医生分析肺结节和…
Hi, I had a question about how to go through a patient with multiple nodules. For example, I can see the first nodule of patient #1 and each annotation mask/slice to go along with it, but if patient 1…
MacOS Sierra + Mac mini + different usb Superdrives + Horos V2.1.0: CDs are ejected too early if "eject the disc when done copying" is hooked. Often but not always this leads to copying of only one im…