I'm using goiardi 0.11.5 and [knife backup](https://github.com/mdxp/knife-backup) to backup/restore all data from/to git into/out of goiardi.
However when using the latest chefdk (2.0.26) th…
Found in chef-server-core-12.2.0-1.el6.x86_64.
= Root cause =
The following code replace lb_internal with lb-internal, but lb_internal is used in the private-chef cookbook.
Hello again , had the same "hang problem" again when the gem happens and at the moment when nokogiri gem is installed. Specifically it asks for libxml. So i solved it by editing the bootstrap file by …
### Chef Server Version
Standalone CINC Server 14.15.10
### Platform Details
RHEL 8,7 on-prem
# free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Running `chef-server-ctl cleanse --with-external` and then typing CTRL-C will proceed to attempt cleanse the external solr and postgresql data.
It should actually abort.
This is with 12.14.0. I hav…
I am trying to run the example piece of code given for chef-provisioning-docker using chef zero. When I try to run it appears that Chef is already listening on port port 8889 and causing th…
### Cookbook version
5.4.0 (with the fix https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/sql_server/pull/114)
### Chef-client version
### Platform Details
Windows Server 2012 R2
### Scenario:
I am currently running the uninstall recipe on a 10.4.1 Enterprise stack and it seems to error out when trying to remove the files from the following directory C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server. Looking…
Since `with_chef_server` is a helper as opposed to resource, arguments passed to can only be evaluated in the compile phase. There are situations where the Chef Server ip/hostname won't be known until…
Replace 'delivery'user with attribute based user as input to cookbook