Transaction chunking was a feature of https://github.com/litehelpers/Cordova-sqlite-evplus-legacy-free, but that project is now considered legacy. Are there plans to add this feature to any of the act…
In OpenSearch 2.13, we released [**text chunking processor**](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/ingest-pipelines/processors/text-chunking/). This processor enables users to chunk documents to avoid i…
Something is off with chunking webwork pg output, and I can't crack the code to understand how to fix it. Here is the issue.
Say you have a book with a publisher file with `common/chunking/@level="…
### What is your issue?
Opening a dataset with `use_cftime=True` turns the time dimension dtype from datetime64 to object. This means that using `chunks='auto'` will fail in dask, since dask can't …
Would you ever consider adding chunking?
Hey, thanks for the great work!
I have a reconstruction, which fails during chunking stage. to be exact it fails at this code (prepare_chunk.py, line 75)
` print("extracting features...")
Is there a chunking algorithm that defines the optimal chunk layout?
### What would you like to see?
The PDF when uploaded has some issue:
1. chunks are more compared to txt - probably due to the formatting of the pdf file - the /n are more an lines are not continuou…
Desktop version of chunking page alternative 1
![chunking page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73179468/205468155-a9b72d8c-a86d-4c07-86af-f5b0f18c79a5.PNG)
Hello, I am using the `coffea.nanoevents.NanoEventsFactory.from_root` function from `coffea.2024.5.0` and I am specifying chunking as defined in https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot5/blob/v5.1.2/src/u…