I don't know if it's a "problem" of ggridges, plotly or both, but I can't show a plotly version of a ggridge figure in a RStudio flexdashboard.
p3 %
When I try to use the framework in a .Net MAUI application, I get compilation errors. As the libindy is deprecated, it would be nice to replace it with indy-vdr and correct the compilation errors to e…
Please describe the feature you would like added.
For example, I could turn off indy and casual and then it would combine indy,
action, indy
casual, action
casual, indy, action
git log --no-merges --date-order --graph --decorate origin/main ^origin/stable ^origin/ubuntu-20.04-upgrade --stat > ~/dev/j/task/00009-indy-node/indy-node-main-origin-unbutu2004.md
* commit 3…
I've made a small test app and tried to test TIdTCPServer+TIdTCPClient and TIdUDPServer+TIdUDPClient connections for exchanging data. The code works fine in Delphi (Windows and Linux) and in Lazarus (…
Dear devs,
I'm experiencing a problem with running a simulation with `indx=12, indy= 12`.
I'm using an HPC cluster with a plenty of resources, and for example `indx=11, indy=11, indz=13` runs fin…
As part of the integration of Askar with Aries Framework JavaScript, I'm running a [test](https://github.com/genaris/aries-framework-javascript/blob/d6f348b33b2a57fb9acb6ccea141ff1fc097b405/tests/e2e-…
Error whem I m trying to execute perf_process.py :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/perf_processes.py", line 4, in
In some cases indy-vdr will timeout connecting to a pool when one or more of the pool's genesis nodes does not respond.
- indy-vdr versions tested: `0.1.0` and `0.3.4`
- Sovrin StagingN…