Thanks a lot for sharing this ETL. I have a question regarding the concept_id 42869608 - Oxygen saturation [Pure mass fraction] in Blood.
The value_as_number is both a fraction and a perc…
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (pymssql.exceptions.ProgrammingError) (208, b"Invalid object name '[omop.dbo].[cdm_source'.DB-Lib error message 20018, severity 16:\nGeneral SQL Server error: Check me…
I would like to ask if NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) can be added to Athena as a vocabulary class with observation domain.
It has a set of descriptive ter…
### Description
The database and related toolkits are intended to be designed and applied with OMOP CDM to introduce SDoH and Environmental datasets into the healthcare research.
The purpose and …
In the current email from Athena for a Vocab download the [link](https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel) would not give us the promised "control files" anymore.
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ITEM | Could we implement a canonical set of CONCEPT_IDs for highly used vital signs (height, weigh, BMI, BP, heart rate, respiratory rate, SPO2, temperature, etc.)?
discharge_to_concept_id description points to “Place of service” vocabulary, when in reality it should be pointing to "Visit" domain
For CONDITION_ERA_START_DATE, no distribution graph is generated.