When two lines have the same "title" AND "year" AND "authors" keep only one (the first? the most complete?)
Below the three key in ISI and SCOPUS:
- title --> ISI = TI / Scopus = Title
- year -->…
tommv updated
4 years ago
Event form submitted by @kimisatoPC and @shapaklyak on 3/7 for Brown Bag, "Pushing the Limits of Excel: GBV QA Tool."
Circulated to Leads 3/7.
**Logistic Needs**: Adobe Connect; Recorded Webinar…
**URL**: https://complaint.ic3.gov/default.aspx#
**Browser / Version**: Firefox Mobile 68.0
**Operating System**: Android 8.0.0
**Tested Another Browser**: No
**Problem type**: Something else
GBV QA Project
### Background
The Prevention Cluster has been asked to develop a tool that country teams can use to analyze and visualize the data collected from the Gender-based Violence Qualit…
**PANO POC:** Pilar Bullis
**SME POC:** Caroline Cooney
- **Indicator Disaggregation** (Numerator):
Layering & Time in DRE…
GBV QA Request
### Summary Info and Dates:
**Submitted by**: Meagan Cain
**Approval Status**: Approved
**Technical Area(s)**: Data Visualization; DREAMS; Gender & Adolescent Girls…
FY19 Q2 DRT Revisions
- Leigh and Shazad are preparing the DRT for Q2 data release.
- New semi annual indicators are being rolled out at this time so giving folks a chance to re…
GBV GBV Response Psychosocial support # of individuals benefiting from structured PSS services that meet minimum standards (by age, sex, refugee/host)
GBV GBV Response Capacity Building for Serv…
Pano Testing Schedule
Below please find the timeline, scope, and draft assignments for each of the ICPI/Pano dashboards for Q1 Initial:
### Timeline
2/15 - Q1 initial data entry closes in DAT…