Hi there!
First off thank you all so much for the work here it is amazing!
I am a sophomore in college and I am trying to use this library to connect a laptop running ros2 foxy to an arduino due…
We want a simple demo setup for the arm mimic which will simulate what we will be doing. This involves hardware, we want to be able to move the potentiometers and get values.
bought LD2410 sensor. Works using the tool 'LD2410 Tool.exe'. Now trying to use it with an ESP32.
Loaded your lib into Ardiuno IDE 1.8.19. Using the example code "setupSensor" (unchanged) and t…
Thanks for the Great Work.
Can I Connect 10 Numbers of MCP23S17
I need to know the limitation of the number of MCP23S17 can be connected..
Thanks in advance.
I'm having trouble uploading the blink sketch to my ESP-01. I'm on MacOS 10.10.5, with Arduino 1.6.5 and the stable board manager (http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/packa ... index.json). I've also tr…
@sakumisue These are amazing chips that have been developed, glad to have stumbled across them. However, it seems like heavy documentation and development are missing of these chips.
Is there any …
When I run the code below, for some reason the screen is completely buggy after using the wifi, it stops responding to drawing commands, and for some reason my esp32 keeps the onboard led blinking non…
"An error was detected while sending '$H': (ALARM:9) Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distances. Try increasing max travel, decreasing pull-off distance, or check wiring. Streami…
Any help on this issue ?
PS: Sorry I'm new with ESP32 programming
The existing digispark/digistump board integration uses a prebuilt micronucleus that requires libusb-0.1:
/home/jgeorg/.arduino15/packages/digistump/tools/micronucleus/2.0a4/micronucleus: error wh…