Whenever I use `chatgpt-shell` I notice the performance of my Emacs slowly degrading and it's memory footprint increasing to amazing sizes.
#### System Info :computer:
- OS: darwin
- Emacs: …
Test Scenario:
1. Start two threads (such as thread1 and thread2) and two epollfd (such as epfd1 and epfd2);
2. The thread1 listens the events from epfd1;
3. The thread2 listens the events from epf…
I attempted to upgrade to testcontainers-scala 0.15 and I get this error:
Exception encountered when invoking run on a nested suite - {"message":"Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/bsideup/mo…
filesystem monitoring in FreeBSD needs to be done using the `kqueue` api
While I doubt nobody is rushing to run this in production, I am also going to bet that:
let conn;
while (true) {
conn = await t.accept();
conn = undefin…
## Main error
Application spyder launch may have produced errors.
## Traceback
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; n…
## Main error
Application spyder launch may have produced errors.
## Traceback
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; n…
## Compiler version
## Minimized code
Full context here in `lila-ws` repository: https://github.com/lichess-org/lila-ws/pull/525/commits/7f47bc39a8b36a0f076b24dd75da17150502040e
uWebsockets doesn't directly have `kqueue` support. We'll need to use its libuv wrapper I believe.
The wrapper for [`kevent()`](https://docs.rs/rustix/latest/x86_64-unknown-freebsd/rustix/event/kqueue/fn.kevent.html) is defined as follows:
pub unsafe fn kevent(
kqueue: impl AsFd,