Two potential speed-ups for spline and HSGP models (without random effects)
## 1. use _glm more often.
E.g. formula `y ~ s(x)` generates code with
vector[N] mu = Intercept + rep_vecto…
I'm not looking to remake `plm` or anything like that, but I'd like to see if it's possible to provide a method for converting `panel_data` objects into `plm`'s data format. There might also be some t…
# Bug description
Unable to load maDLC training data into SLEAP due to key error, similar to [#676](https://github.com/talmolab/sleap/issues/676) and [#702 ](https://github.com/talmolab/sleap/i…
I trained a detector for electricity meter based on `e2e_faster_rcnn_R-50-C4_1x.yaml`. The trained model works very well with Detectron on GPU. we have to deploy it on CPU, so I converted it to Caffe2…
## Summary
It would be cool to be able to model `sigma` as a garch process.
## Description
After closing #708, brms can support autocor processes in the formula syntax ala
I am getting this error despite the fact that I'm not putting any attribute 'dist' into the FlatParam function, just the test_value argument which it is supposed to have. Below is a simplified toy mod…
Please leave suggestions for studies using a *post-test only design with a large number of conditions*. By *large number of conditions,* I mean more than four, possibly many many more.
[Linear regression in R](http://r-statistics.co/Linear-Regression.html)
[Formula syntax](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stats/versions/3.6.2/topics/formula)
1. The : is for interactions b…
@strengejacke Thanks to your work on ICC, we could start thinking about its reporting. I think this information has its place, when applicable, in the full reports (fulltext and fulltable). Below are …
@jkarreth had the very good point that we should start developing milestones and deciding what features/issues should be associated with which milestones. I think the starting point is what do we want…