It should work on Linux and if GCD included, it should speed up significantly as fast as Rust.
import Foundation
let strsize = 10_000_000
let tries = 100
let longString = String(repeating: "a", …
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|Previous ID | SR-7863 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | gmilos (JIRA …
Since apple has released the Swift source code http://swift.org/ we should look into whether this library can be made to compile on Linux.
This is a long-term goal.
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|Previous ID | SR-10098 |
|Radar | rdar://48833710 |
|Original Reporter | @…
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|Previous ID | SR-7236 |
|Radar | rdar://problem/38665975 |
|Original Repor…
[About CloudKit and Quality of Service](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Performance/Conceptual/EnergyGuide-iOS/PrioritizeWorkWithQoS.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015243-CH39-…
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|Previous ID | SR-4767 |
|Radar | rdar://problem/31924829 |
|Original Repor…
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|Previous ID | SR-9325 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | johanatan (JI…
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|Previous ID | SR-13819 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | @jpsim …
jpsim updated
2 years ago
### Description
You may want to separate "build" directory from the Swift project directory.
In such case, you might create a symbolic link.
However, 'swift-xcodegen' doesn't seem to assume such a …