Thank you!
I have purchased a Luxonis OAK-FFC 4P and 4 S5K33D recently, and the goal is to view TOFs from 4 cameras at the same time. However, if I run the command $python3 cam_test.py --cameras cama,t camb,t ca…
The contents of .cut files currently look like this:
Count: 13
Type: ERD
Weight Factor: 1.0
Energy: 0
Detector Angle: 0
Scatter Element:
Element losses: False
Split count: 1
ToF, En…
The thermal plate needs to be designed for the TOF Switches. There are 4 switches (3x 16 port and 1x 8 port) that need to be connected to the plate.
I need to estimate the focal length of the ToF camera for the calculation of depth surface normal. I was going through the documentation of "WebXR Depth Sensing Module" but I couldn't find any info re…
UnitTests failing in Mac and Win
- in Mac they fail to run because nexlib is not found by kipl
- in Windows fail to compile due to unresolved externals
I have followed your instruction, but I was not able to get 256 transient images (i rather got single *.exr file)
- I downloaded ToF-pbrt-generation and installed pbrt-v3-tof
- when I run pbrt, I …
### 課題チェックリスト
- [x] JPARCのROOTファイルの概要確認
- [x] 二次元位置-ビームカウントの描画コード
- [ ] H/O beamに対応する二次元位置特定の基準(どこからどこまでをビームとみなすか)
- [x] 二次元位置における波長-カウントヒストグラムの描画コード
- [x] simulation/sim_lambda.cppの修正
- [x] s…
Transferring from https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/salt-formula/pull/398#issuecomment-499752525:
- [ ] `README`: Update to explain how TOFS can be used instead of pillar for master/minion conf…