**Describe the bug**
Using Carthage to install AppAuth-iOS it's falling to me when carthage try to install the watchOS scheme.
Is there any way to disable watchOS scheme before installing it? I …
Seems that the runloop control isn't quite where we want it?
Also seems to mostly be a CI thing? Like, I can't easily replicate this on my personal machine, but if you look at CI runs, it's at leas…
Builds fail on react-native `0.76+`. Any solutions / work arounds?
../ios/Pods/Headers/Public/RCT-Folly/folly/Optional.h:667:10 'folly/experimental/coro/Coroutine.h' file not found
**Describe the bug**
FlurryWatch.logWatchEvent( crashing on apple watchOs 10.x
**This Bug is About**
Please choose the closest item by replacing `[ ]` with `[x]`.
- [ x] Integration
- [ ] Anal…
如题,目前使用pod来安装GMOpenSSL, 报错:[!] The platform of the target `watch Watch App` (watchOS 7.0) is not compatible with `GMOpenSSL (3.0.0)`, which does not support `watchOS`. 请问如何能解决呢?期待您的回复
My iPhone died, so I purchased a new one. I restored my new device from backup, and then updating it to iOS 17.6 and also updated my Apple Watch SE to WatchOS 10.6.
My iPhone, BlueWallet works fin…
For SwiftUI apps, we should provide view modifiers to make it easy to use `showManageSubscriptions` and `beginRefundRequest`.
We can use `#if canImport(SwiftUI)` to only declare these when SwiftUI…
### Describe the bug
Xcode version: 12.1 (12A7403)
swift-nio-ssl version: 2.10.0
When linking a watchOS app with swift-nio-ssl, the app compiles and runs successfully. But attempting to distrib…
The new WatchOS 6 beta now support actual socket connections. Is there any plan to make Socket.io work with Apple Watch? Thanks.
Provide version numbers for the following components (information can be retrieved by running `tns info` in your project folder or by inspecting the `package.json` of the project):