I noticed this among yesterday's changes: `+ swerve.driveFieldOriented(desiredSpeeds);`
I think this is our first time using that.
Please test this behaves as expected for both Blue and Red all…
Im working on a project that landing a copter on the apriltags ,here comes some diffculties,the first is that when the copter is very close to the apriltag, I found that the shadow of copter covered s…
I am not able to run this project getting the issue
kethan@kethan:~/pointcloud/ros_pc_det$ ros2 launch pc_det depthcam_demo_launch.py
Package 'pc_det' not found: "package 'pc_det' not found, searchi…
### With ideas starting to be finalized, here's my ideas and some things we discussed for vision this year:
### - Limelight:
- [ ] Switchable pipeline for a driver cam and vision tracking
> Dr…
I have been experimenting with this package, it is a high performance apriltag detector.
However I see that the covariance matrix is always zero, am I doing something incorrect ?
Without t…
Hi, I'm working with a raspberry pi 2 with ubuntu MATE 16.04.7 server (the only version that I could use with raspicam).
I've installed raspicam_node from this repo following the official instruction…
I was wondering if it's possible to detect Apriltags using stitched images from spherical/360 cameras, as the camera intrinsic parameters are of different nature. Example image from 360 camera:
Following [this issue](https://github.com/AprilRobotics/apriltag/issues/273), I would kindly recommend to clarify the convention used when defining the tag TF.
The only info I could find is …
After running the program, I get the following error, how do I fix it?
"Undefined variable "CAM" or class "CAM.make_diag_normalization".
Error in calibrate (line 52)
A = inv(CAM.make_diag…