Hello, would it be possible to add emoji support? I was googling around and apparently I think FreeType2 supports it? http://www.freetype.org/ (see the release notes for version 2.5).
This is a l…
## Description
Some emojis are built on the top of existing text symbols.
However, they are shown as the text style even though VS16 (U+FE0F) that shows the symbol should be displayed as the emoji…
Thanks to discord showing channel names in window title this issue was quite easy to spot on:
For some rea…
# 🎯19주차 1팀
📖 오늘 무엇을 공부하실 건가요? or 오늘 무엇을 공부하셨나요?📅 5월ex)이름:이번 주 한 마디:월 :화 :수 :목 :금 :토:일:
배지 | 조건 | 비고
-- | -- | --
🎖️ | 10to10 배지 ( 23:30이 지났다면 스스로 적용 or 스터디 3시간(오전 공부도 포함)) | 셀프적용
❗️ 주말 적용 조…
Sadly, I have no more Information to it. If something is missing just aks I would try to provide it.
**Joplin Information:**
Joplin 2.14.22 (prod, linux)
Client ID: 1e04f63fb32d4ec59e1…
TrueType provides at least:
- `sbix`
- `CBDT` + `CBLC`
- `svg`
- `COLR` v0 and v1
On desktop, sometimes emojis render no color. I can check it, with macOS or windows. On windows, the problem is more serious
**Favorites Tab**
I frequently find myself searching a few characters again and again in order to copy and paste. It would be nice if there was a Favorites Tab so I wouldn't have to constantly search…
curya updated
3 months ago
If functions runtime cannot fully specialize it can get stuck with the placeholder 'WarmUp' functionSample pod - in the below case the specialization succeeded once and loaded the actual customer …
# 🎯 19주차 3팀
📖 오늘 무엇을 공부하실 건가요? or 오늘 무엇을 공부하셨나요?📅 5월ex)이름:이번 주 한 마디:월 :화 :수 :목 :금 :토:일:
배지 | 조건 | 비고
-- | -- | --
🎖️ | 10to10 배지 ( 23:30이 지났다면 스스로 적용 or 스터디 3시간(오전 공부도 포함)) | 셀프적용
❗️ 주말 적용…