### Dependency
Add OKR Guide to this issue
### Overview
We need to collaborate on identifying how best we will measure the successes using milestones and measurable results.
### Action Item…
After clicking donate you just see a loading-spinner forever. We should make it link to a real flow, or maybe it would make sense to have a testing mode that links into staging.every.org?
page = ChromiumPage()
Copy/pasta from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yTPI3A4MylMYZGjPZxXeaoYH2qDcTPjdrDP0tQZzG9k/edit
**OUTCOME/GOAL for Nonprofit Status portion of 10/27/16 leadership meeting:**
- Find out how many…
Hello guys, after hours of searching this is the only place where I hope to get a reliable answer. Please don't be mad at me, cause this is probably not a _real_ issue.
I am part of the leading tea…
Is there any interesting info in there for us?
i.e. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/display_990/363185986/05_2019_prefixes_34-36%2F363185986_201812_990O_2019052916353263
**User Story Description**
As a Site Administrator
I want to display all data for both Volunteers & Nonprofit users
So I can research reports of spamming or inappropriate behavior
**Steps to Fol…
From Mackenzie's notes on 3/5
- entrepreneurs/small businesses
- nonprofits and funders
- data scientists/ researchers
- corporations
- city/government agencies
- mobility providers
Pasted from Gitter:
> I was curious if anyone had looked into whether Backdrop (as a SFC entity) qualified for Google Ad Grants. If so, Google gives up to $10k / month in free Google Adwords.
laryn updated
2 years ago