感谢您参与 X2Paddle 社区! 问题模版为了 X2Paddle 能更好的迭代,例如新功能发布、 RoadMaps 和错误跟踪. :smile_cat:
## 问题描述
- 错误信息
- 错误截图
## 具体信息
- 转换模型后用处
- [ ] 使用 Paddle 框架/ PaddleInference 推理预测
- [ ] 使用 Paddle-L…
### bug描述 Describe the Bug
System Information
Hardware Information:
* Memory: 32.0 GiB
* Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-10210U × …
paddlepaddle 如何查看目前安装的是哪个版本?
910B arm,CANN 7.0.1
paddlepaddle和paddle custom device版本是2.6.1
运行paddle.utils.run_check()报错ACL error, the error code is : 500001
When using the gradio demo to recognize Chinese characters, the output often appears as gibberish or incorrect characters that are non-sense. I would like to know how to address this issue or if there…
[An extra null pointer check is not needed in functions](https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/freestore-mgmt#delete-handles-null "Do I need to check for null before delete p?") like the following.
- [Graph](h…
## Checklist:
1. 查找[历史相关issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleX/issues)寻求解答
2. 翻阅[FAQ常见问题汇总和答疑](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleX/blob/develop/docs/FAQ/FAQ.md)
3. 确认bug是否在新版本里还未修复