While explaining Bayes Factors in the code (marc to me), we noticed that there could be a potential memory optimization:
enryH updated
6 months ago
@strengejacke @DominiqueMakowski Let's open this up here officially.
I think this paper can be quite short, really. Here I am pre-regestering my hypotheses:
1. For posterior-based indices (which i…
I'm evaluating figaro and it seems that the framework is not ready for running multiple algorithms concurrently. My guess is the globally static `Factory.factorCache` is causing problems
below is a s…
Comment below with a well-developed question or comment about the reading for this week's workshop.
If you would really like to ask your question in person, please place two exclamation points befo…
I'm using the following glm: glm(formula = VAR ~ 1 + SLEEP, family = "binomial", data = DATA) which yields the following coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) …
I ran extensive tests of LZ 40b nets for over 3 months, at low visits (1 and 20), medium (400 visits) and nominal 1600 visits. And thx to @herazul who contributed to some of the 1600 visits matches ; …
# A Measure of Faith - Probability in Religious Thought · bblais on the web
# A Measure of Faith - Probability in Religious Thought · bblais on the web
I am looking at Bayesian model averaging to allow us to add structural uncertainty into management quantities such as %b0 etc,
In order to do this we need to approximate the normalizing constant th…
I'm encountering an issue when performing a t-test with pingouin. The problem is that in some cases, the Bayes factors cannot be computed and the code crashes, which is not very useful. Would i…