Use a similar solution to the cylc-doc and cylc-sphinx-extensions repos to deploy the docs to gh-pages on release.
For reference in Rose2019 the `rose make-docs` command used to perform some of the…
### What happened?
Ctest atlas_test_trans fails like so:
Read rspecg
read_rspecg ...
read_rspecg ... done
[1] =========================================
[1] Segmentation fault (signal interce…
Currently we expect users to be happy with *task not found in n=0*, knowing that all prerequisites are by definition unsatisfied for future tasks.
However, sometimes we just want to know what the p…
- [ ] load modules
- [ ] create conda env and install Cylc in
- [ ] any Julia-related tasks (which may end up in Docker anyways)
- [ ] build Singularity image
### Description
The [cylc.flow.unicode_rules.TaskNameValidator](https://cylc.github.io/cylc-doc/stable/html/_modules/cylc/flow/unicode_rules.html#TaskNameValidator) documentation states tha…
Address a Python warning:
cylc-flow/cylc/flow/install_plugins/log_vc_info.py:185: ResourceWarning: unclosed file
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation …
### At present the UI can only see installed workflows (either running or stopped).
* We should add the ability to install workflows from source (e.g. to re-run a workflow).
* We should add the ab…
### Problem
The current VIP and VR scripts tell users what atomic scripts would be being called. That is,
cylc vip /loc/myworkflow --workflow-name foo -s='BAZ=42'
$ cylc validate…
wxtim updated
10 months ago
### Description
I was following the cylc tutorial and was unable to make the `runtime-introduction` practical work.
On my first try, the job did run (the log shows the python code was e…
### Description
In Cylc7, variables defined in various script sections were available to `exit-script`.
In Cylc8, variables defined in various script sections are not available to `exit-script` e…