I recently write a test script which produce 20 million messages to kafka with goka, but there
is only about 14 million messages after produce complete.
The disk space is enough and no error message…
I'm trying to connect from one docker-container running node to another container running Kafka, and I can't seem to get through to send a message. Here is what I do to set up the producer:
### environment
* canal 1.1.2
* mysql 5.7.24
zookeeper3.4.13 集群
kafka 2.11-2.0.0
### Issue Description
canal server ha配置(两台机器)
1。 同时启动canal server A和canal server B,canal serverA工作正常,如果cana…
I am using debezium to capture mysql binlog to kafak and kafka-connect-es save data to ES. When my table contains NOT NULL TIMESTAMP field, the ES connect create mapping failed with following error.
when creating new kafak instance with no volume cp-kafka is not deployed
我们想要支持 kafak rabitmq, gearman ......
Poor english...
I write a demo for writing text to kafka under kerberos.
I try to use yml configuration instead jaas file.
But it seem not working.
Here is my code.
Table Name | Kafka Topic | Format | Windowed
CUSTOMERS | customers2 | JSON | false
rmoff updated
5 years ago