I would like to report an issue regarding the website's mobile responsiveness. Currently, the site does not display correctly on mobile devices, which affects user experience significantly.
I noticed on small screen (below 786px) the product cards content are overflowing. I would like to fix this issue.
La partie consiste à tester les différentes tailles d'écran, ne pas oublier dans le CSS d'ajouter une partie @média (vérifier au w3c validator) pour maîtriser la partie visuel du CV sur des écrans pl…
## Comportement attendu
Quand je clique sur une restriction sur la carte, je souhaite, autant que possible, que le popup qui s'affiche ne dépasse les limites de mon écran.
## Comportement réel
The discord badge is not very responsive. Please make it look good for mobile and small screen sizes.
Please accomplish the following:
- Redesign the Discord Badge for mobile screen sizes. You ma…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I'm always frustrated when the website is not responsive, making it difficult for users to navigate and access content on different …
Cards in men , kids and women section are not responsive and they are overlapping. I can make it responsive.
Can you please assign this to me.
### Current Behaviour
The website is not responsive
### Expected behaviour
- Center the content alignm…
Hello good evening sir,
I found a bug or a issue in your website https://code.publiclab.org/#r=all is that when i open it on responsive mode or in my mobile phone it is not responsive at all
as y…