Doing a build and comparing to the current package-sets version, there are some trivial diffs such as:
"event": {
"dependencies": [
+ "prelude",
It appears the latest version of spago merges `build` and `install` commands. This slows down the build a bit, and I'm not sure I like it. What do you think about either going back to manual install a…
As discovered in #137
- [suspected](https://github.com/spacchetti/spago/pull/137#issuecomment-472504432)
- [confirmation](https://github.com/spacchetti/spago/pull/137#issuecomment-472512322)
Or just contribute to justin's RTD docs by providing a meta-language example so one doesn't need to read through the Dhall language docs to understand how it works
I think it would be better to add something like `--debug` flag for it.
Because some messages can be really big. Like, for example, this one:
Running command: `purs compile ".spago/aff/v5.1.…
The issue you were already expecting :). I'll open this and document trying to get it running on windows. Maintainers: don't feel compelled to respond yet, I'll try to do as much as I can myself.
Implemented a simple `json-to-dhall` tool: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/compare/master...antislava:antislava/json-to-dhall.
Haddock documentation following the structure of `dhall-to-j…
IMO, it would be nice if `local-setup` automatically generated two things in addition to what it already does:
1. additional records that it automatically merges, making it easy to add new packages o…
Currently, almost no user currently actually reads the README because it's fairly impossible to go through. Splitting the information out into separate pages with a TOC generated by something would be…
Recently I've started reading purescript by example going with it with purescript v0.12, wanting to try out psc-packages, but upon reaching chapter 8, one using react, I noticed psc-packages doesn't f…