Thank you so much for your excellent work!
I have a question about the data augmentation. I implement a Pytorch version of PointNet. The classification accuracy on ModelNet40 is able to be 89.2% w…
1. kaggle에서 준 노이즈 데이터를 더하는 과정이 dataset에 필요
2. data loading 과정에서 약 0.5 ms 를 랜덤으로 앞뒤로 밀어서 이를 또한 데이터 어그멘테이션 시켜야한다.
Dear authors,
thank you for share your great works.
When I read the code, I found this code use the Mix3D data augmentation, this augmentation achieves good performance on MinkowskiNet back…
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
Myself and a few collaborators would like to implement [FLAG](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.09891.pdf), an adversarial data augmentation strategy, and are looking…
### Search before asking
- [X] I have searched the Ultralytics YOLO [issues](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues) and found no similar bug report.
### Ultralytics YOLO Component
Hi, thanks for your great work. I notice that the `NSynthDataset` used in SoundStream contains data augmentation by adding two audio waveforms, which does not appear in Encodec. I wonder where is this…
# Future work: Data Augmentation
## Introduction
현재 kaggle에 있는 `Caltech 101` 데이터셋은 101개+Background_Google=102개 클래스로 이루어져 있습니다.
각 클래스당 30개의 이미지가 있어서, 로드하면 3060개의 이미지가 리스트에 저장되는 것을 모두들 확인하셨을 겁니다.…
[Graph contrastive learning with augmentations](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2020/hash/3fe230348e9a12c13120749e3f9fa4cd-Abstract.html)