Is there a particular reason for using fmt `%q` to return the inner Raw Json struct for a JSON type field?
// MarshalJSON returns m as the JSON encoding of m.
func (m JSON) MarshalJSON() ([]b…
When I scan my directory, it spit error. Then I try to scan last file in that list, it's success, with no error.
Maybe there's a bug?, -d -v -L debug didn't show anything
(wordfence) root@REDAC…
>Windows11x64 Python Version 3.12.7
## 启动错误:
### Python已经有 moviepy扩展了 但是仍无法启动 提示未没有该模块
(funclip) C:\NEX\FunClip>python funclip/launch.py
Key Conformer already exists in model_classes, re-…
### What client do you play on?
### Faction
### Content Phase:
### Current Behaviour
Upon accepting the quest 'Escape from Coliskar Cistern' in SMV, the quest will immediately …
# Crash report
We like to pretend that `_Py_Dealloc` (and, by extension, `Py_DECREF`, `Py_XDECREF`, `Py_CLEAR`, `PyStackRef_CLOSE`, `PyStackRef_CLEAR`, etc...) isn't an escaping call in tier two. How…
There are times when new lines in a string template need to be escaped. For instance when we need to limit the line length of a code below 120.
Suggesting to escape new lines bein…
The tilde [SSH escape sequences](https://medium.com/@rmolsen/ssh-tricks-escape-sequences-4a7a5d889d70) do not work in xonsh. They do in bash and csh.
The current strategy for printing string literals (in the REPL for example), seems to be: print the string, add some quotes around it (triple quotes when the need for multi-line is detected)
The pr…
**Describe the bug**
After setting up the emulator using the instructions outlined [here](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cosmosdb/introducing-the-new-linux-based-azure-cosmos-db-emulator-preview/), cr…