I'm having trouble compiling this on Linux. I tried both your dockerfile `docker build -t tomahawk .` and on our local system (centOS7.8 with gcc 7.3.1) and received the same error. It looks like a pr…
Hi everyone,
Tried to install SHAPEIT 4.2.2 inside container with singularity :
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu
AUTHOR Pierre-Edouard GUERIN
My cmake result (paths obscured):
cmake -DHTS_INCLUDE_DIRS=/path/to/htslib -DHTS_LIBRARIES=/path/to/htslib/libhts.a ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identifica…
Hi, I love this repo and would like to have a test run! However, I encounter some installation issues like the followings:
[ 16%] Building C object CMakeFiles/htslib.dir/_deps/htslib-src/htscodecs…
I'm running into a panic when attempting to parse a VCF with rust_htslib::bcf. I can't share the real VCF but here's a minimal example:
When I ran "make" in the git cloned path, an Error reported:
g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 -O3 -I. -Irnaseqc -Irnaseqc/src -Irnaseqc/SeqLib -Irnaseqc/SeqLib/htslib/ …
I installed htstools on a new Ubuntu (bionic) server with htslib 1.9 and got the following error
xxx@yyy:~$ snp-pileup -v -A -q15 -Q20 -P100 -r10 -g dbsnp_137.vcf.gz out.gz sample.bam
I have been trying to install BamM. I am giving it the paths for libraries I needed to install manually. I get this results in the installation process:
sudo python setup.py install --with-libh…
Given that mosdepth can be installed from source with independent htslib, and htslib supports streaming from cloud storage buckets, I'm wondering how difficult it would be, for mosdepth to sup…